yolink search

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Thing #20

Google Docs can be used for many things. I created a spreadsheet to track my Professional Development classes taken this summer. I also plan on using a spreadsheet to track my students progress on their wiki project, much like the progress tracker that was used for this class. I also foresee the use of Google Docs to share the responsibility for presentations and handouts to the students. Often, when teachers create something new to use in class, they either make a mistake or forget something important. However, if Google Docs is used, then more people will work on the item being prepared which will cut down on the errors made. I am also thinking about using Google Docs as a method to turn in presentations. My students could either create the presentation in Google Docs or create it using the software on their computer and then uploading it to Google Docs. Either way, they would send me the link as a viewer and it would be a very simple way to get rid of the excuses (My partner/ I lost it, left it at home, the mongoose ate it, etc.)

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