yolink search

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Thing #17

Podcasts in education are an excellent way to introduce more topics into the classroom without having to actually having to teach them. Students can subscribe to a particular podcast and get extra information in a format that they are already comfortable with. I browsed a few Physics podcasts from Education Podcast Network, but felt that a few of them were too wordy and others were not high school level material. I finally found one from LearnOutLoud that would be helpful and subscribed to it. iTunes was really the best directory because I found that entering a few keywords brought up many useful podcasts, including one from iTunesU that is the Universist of Berkeley's Introduction to Physics class. I have an iPod and iTunes, but haven't used them for podcasting yet because I never thought to. My husband, however has a few podcasts that he subscribes to and we listen to them together on road trips. My personal outlook is that I will use podcasts as an outside resource that I recommend for students that need additional help. I will embed related podcasts to my moodle website and as a simple assignment ask my students to post to a forum about what they found interesting.

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