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Monday, July 12, 2010

Thing #16

LibraryThing is awesome! I am an avid novel reader and I sorely needed this site a long time ago. As soon as I began reading about the website, I knew I would join even though it wasn't required. I automatically began loading a few of my books, and plan to add a few here and there as I have time. I am very excited to have my own online catalog because I needed a way to keep up with my books. Recently I was asked if I even knew how many books I owned and I had to think about it and finally say no. Now that I have my own LibraryThing account, however, now I can keep up with how many books I have read this year as well as with the number of books I have altogether. Now that I have represented my personal views of usage for LibraryThing, I can think about outside uses. It would be great for students to keep track of the books they have read both for school and recreational purposes. Language Arts teachers can track their students' reading by following their LibraryThing account using RSS feed. The teacher can also start an online forum about books the students are reading. I think the coolest thing the teacher can do is to encourage the students to join an online community of book lovers where they can receive their own recommendations as well as give them. This site can be used as the Facebook for readers. Personally, I will use this site to catalog my own collection as well as find new authors to branch out to. After I finish cataloging my own, then I will start searching for the books I have read, but don't own so that my library can be even more accurate.

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you can go back and see what you've read too and any notes you made.
