yolink search

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thing #18

I have tried to avoid getting caught up in YouTube because I did not want to waste my life looking at the junk that can be found there. However, if someone showed me a particular video or embedded it on my facebook page, I did watch and laugh for a moment. It is truly amazing what people will record and put on the internet for the world to see. However, having an assignment that forced me to search YouTube for educational content made me cringe because I just knew that there would be issues finding Physics related concepts. Fortunately, YouTube proved me wrong very quickly. Using the simple search "physics" I immediately found a clip that I can't embed because the person who uploaded it disabled that feature, but it is a phenomenal center of gravity demo. After finding this on the 1st try, I began to warm up to the educational value of YouTube. By skimming the comments I came across one that led me to search for the "Do Try This At Home" series that would teach me how to do it and voila here is an even better video! 

After finding this gold mine of How To videos. I got really excited and quickly found another content based video (posted on my wiki sandbox page) that gave me a new website to explore! The funniest thing about this assignment was after finding the 3 videos that I was dreading, I had fun and got to search for the one that would be just for me. I quickly went back to the homepage and found a video that was currently being watched and I found it hilarious as well. I enjoyed the last Old Spice commercial and hope they keep the Old Spice man. 

Whew!, I thought. Now that I completed my YouTube assignment I can talk about TeacherTube which I have used many times before. I really appreciate TeacherTube because it has easily accessible (read unblocked by MISD) content that is always appropriate for the topic I am looking for. I recently found a cute clip on TeacherTube that I embedded in a wiki that I will be using to get my students to create their own test review.


  1. Remember that you can always override the filter to access a video that you'd like to use from YouTube. Please take advantage of this ability - as long as you use good judgment, it is perfectly ok and encouraged!

  2. Since last year was my 1st year in MISD, I knew that we could, I just didn't know that it was encouraged. Thanks for letting me know this, I will start using my override privileges.

  3. Great example of physics. You will have to share how Wonder Women performed the magic.

  4. And don't forget that Teacher Tube isn't blocked.
