yolink search

Monday, July 12, 2010

Thing #15

Delicious is a great bookmarking site that allows people to tag their bookmarks to help others search. It was very easy to type in a few keywords and find sites that I wanted to visit. I ended up finding some Creative Commons websites that will help me find images and music for future use. I have always wanted to incorporate more music in my classroom but was afraid to because I didn't know the law. However, it has been my personal experience that delicious is blocked by MISD servers since it has a Yahoo login. Because I don't want to override the firewall every time I want to look at my bookmarks at an MISD computer, I find that Xmarks is much easier for me. I will continue to use my Delicious account from home to search for more websites that will help me, but unfortunately, I will not be installing it on my work computer. If you would like to see my shared bookmarks, you can find them here: http://delicious.com/pvzeta3

1 comment:

  1. Delicious is not blocked by the district anymore. In fact, our secondary libraries use it for student links to "best" bookmarks. I know it's much easier to use one that to have several so I just wanted you to be aware that it isn't blocked anymore.
