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Friday, June 25, 2010

Thing #1

The habits that may be the most challenging for me during my Learning 2.0 -23 Things experience are Habits 3 and 5.
Habit 3: View problems as challenges

Usually my 1st reaction to a problem is not to see it as a challenge. My 1st reaction is panic, pure and simple. After I calm down and become a mature adult again, I do find that the problem is just something that I have to go through to make me stronger. I would like to work on making the mature reaction into my 1st reaction.
Habit 5: Create your own learning toolbox
In life, I have been blessed with many resources. Many times, I feel as if I will be bothering that person if I call on them to do something, and I don't use them. After the fact, the person usually tells me that they would have been more than happy to help in that situation, had I only asked for it. I would like to work on using my toolbox as my 1st resort and not my last.

The habits that will be the easiest and most resonant for me are Habits 2 and 4.
Habit 2: Accept responsibility for your own learning
I have always loved to learn and I definitely take pride in it. I feel that my education and my yearning to learn more are things that can never be taken away from me. I value them dearly and don't mind sharing my knowledge with others because I have always believed that knowledge is power.
Habit 4: Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner
I have always had extreme confidence in my learning abilities because I love to learn so much that I know that I can learn anything I put my mind to. If I really want to learn something, all I have to do is let it catch my attention and once it has, nothing can stop me from learning all I possibly can.

The habit that I think will be most important for me as I work through this course is Habit 1.
Habit 1: Begin with the end in mind
As I work through this course, I know that I will get discouraged. When I decided to enroll in this course, I read the description and decided that I would like to know how to become a better lifelong learner. So when I get discouraged, all I will have to do is remember that this is helping me do one of my favorite things: learn more. This will keep me motivated and on track more than anything else I can use.

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